Strategy and management
Over recent years, the topic of environmental protection has achieved a significantly greater priority among our stakeholders in light of the negative external impacts of textile production. They expect effective protection for the natural environment and most importantly also for people who are directly or indirectly affected by these impacts, for example because their groundwater is increasingly being contaminated by chemicals. Another factor is that there is a growing supply shortage for many of the materials needed to manufacture garments.
BRAX is therefore working on gradually reducing the impact of its collections on natural resources and making them more sustainable. This is precisely the approach we have adopted with our Blue Planet collection.
In 2019, we joined the amfori Business Environmental Performance Initiative (amfori BEPI) in order to enhance environmental responsibility in our supply chain. The aim of amfori BEPI is to drive forward environmental protection in supply chains. One of the focuses is on production processes involving the intensive use of chemicals in the production countries.

BRAX is therefore working on gradually reducing the impact of its collections on natural resources and making them more sustainable. This is precisely the approach we have adopted with our Blue Planet collection.
In 2019, we joined the amfori Business Environmental Performance Initiative (amfori BEPI) in order to enhance environmental responsibility in our supply chain. The aim of amfori BEPI is to drive forward environmental protection in supply chains. One of the focuses is on production processes involving the intensive use of chemicals in the production countries.

Alongside regular international contact and exchange of knowledge, ideas and best practice, the initiative offers its members a wide range of modules and training units so they can upskill, for example by increasing the level of specialist know-how at manufacturers and suppliers, and consequently improve overall management of chemicals across the entire sector over the long term. amfori BEPI encompasses the following core elements. The platform of amfori BEPI empowers us to gain a comprehensive picture of the environmental activities of our business partners. It enables us to gradually create the necessary transparency so that we can eliminate any existing environmental and health risks and establish ambitious requirements for environmentally friendly production in our supply chain.
The CR Department has also joined forces with partner businesses to define a knowledge base for environmental protection and highlight realistic, environmentally benign alternatives for existing processes and materials. The practicability of implementing the alternatives is then tested and they are subsequently rolled out strategically in our own procurement chain. The first stage involves BRAX particularly analysing production facilities such as sewing and product finishing workshops, for example dyers and washers.

The CR Department has also joined forces with partner businesses to define a knowledge base for environmental protection and highlight realistic, environmentally benign alternatives for existing processes and materials. The practicability of implementing the alternatives is then tested and they are subsequently rolled out strategically in our own procurement chain. The first stage involves BRAX particularly analysing production facilities such as sewing and product finishing workshops, for example dyers and washers.